Experimental Syntax and Island Effects - Sprouse, Jon; Hornstein, Norbert; (szerk.) - Prospero Internetes Könyváruház

Experimental Syntax and Island Effects
A termék adatai:

Terjedelem:432 oldal
Méret:229x152x24 mm
Súly:800 g
Illusztrációk: 67 b/w illus. 21 tables

Experimental Syntax and Island Effects

Kiadó: Cambridge University Press
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GBP 110.00
Becsült forint ár:
57 750 Ft (55 000 Ft + 5% áfa)
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51 975 (49 500 Ft + 5% áfa )
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Becsült beszerzési idő: A Prosperónál jelenleg nincsen raktáron, de a kiadónál igen. Beszerzés kb. 3-5 hét..
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Rövid leírás:

Leading linguists and psycholinguists use cutting-edge experimental techniques to investigate one of the central phenomena of linguistics, 'island effects'.

Hosszú leírás:
This volume brings together cutting-edge experimental research from leaders in the fields of linguistics and psycholinguistics to explore the nature of a phenomenon that has long been central to syntactic theory - 'island effects'. The chapters in this volume draw upon recent methodological advances in experimental methods in syntax, also known as 'experimental syntax', to investigate the underlying cognitive mechanisms that give rise to island effects. This volume presents a comprehensive empirical review of a contemporary debate in the field by including contributions from researchers representing a variety of points of view on the nature of island effects. This book is ideal for students and researchers interested in cutting-edge experimental techniques in linguistics, psycholinguistics and psychology.

'This important collection of papers demonstrates the utility of experimental syntax by elucidating the debate about the nature and source of syntactic island effects concerning the interaction of the grammar and the processor, thereby providing an excellent introduction to a new avenue for syntactic research.' Robert Freidin, Princeton University, New Jersey
1. Experimental syntax and island effects: toward a comprehensive theory of islands Jon Sprouse and Norbert Hornstein; Part I. Global Issues in the Investigation of Island Effects: 2. Deriving competing predictions from grammatical approaches and reductionist approaches to island effects Jon Sprouse, Matthew W. Wagers and Colin Phillips; 3. Islands in the grammar? Standards of evidence Philip Hofmeister, Laura Staum Casasanto and Ivan A. Sag; 4. On the nature of island constraints. I: Language processing and reductionist accounts Colin Phillips; 5. Computational models of acquisition for islands Lisa Pearl and Jon Sprouse; 6. On the nature of island constraints. II: Language learning and innateness Colin Phillips; Part II. Specific Issues in the Investigation of Island Effects: 7. Memory mechanisms for wh-dependency formation and their implications for islandhood Matthew W. Wagers; 8. What's negative about negative islands? A re-evaluation of extraction from weak island contexts Robert Kluender and Simone Gieselman; 9. On the structural nature of island constraints Brian Dillon and Norbert Hornstein; 10. Backgrounded constituents cannot be 'extracted' Adele E. Goldberg; 11. Microvariation in islands Dave Kush, Akira Omaki and Norbert Hornstein; 12. Subject islands in German revisited Johannes Jurka; 13. Subject islands are different Maria Polinsky, Carlos G. Gallo, Peter Graff, Ekaterina Kravtchenko, Adam Milton Morgan and Anne Sturgeon; 14. What vs. who and which: kind-denoting fillers and the complexity of whether-islands Theodora Alexopoulou and Frank Keller; 15. Resumption in English Maria Polinsky, Lauren Eby Clemens, Adam Milton Morgan, Ming Xiang and Dustin Heestand; 16. The island (in)sensitivity of sluicing and sprouting Masaya Yoshida, Jiyeon Lee and Michael Walsh Dickey.