Flow Assurance in Pipelines - Mokhatab, Saeid; Manzano-Ruiz, Juan; Chapoy, Antonin; - Prospero Internetes Könyváruház

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Flow Assurance in Pipelines

A Reference Guide
Kiadó: Elsevier
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EUR 130.00
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56 511 Ft (53 820 Ft + 5% áfa)
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50 860 (48 438 Ft + 5% áfa )
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Hosszú leírás:

Flow assurance is critical for effective design and operation of hydrocarbon production and transmission systems. The aim is to ensure safe and economical flow of hydrocarbon fluids from the source to the markets. As future development of hydrocarbon resources moves into more challenging environments, the importance of flow assurance is becoming more asserted.

Written by an internationally recognized team of experts, Flow Assurance in Pipelines: A Reference Guide is a unique, well-researched, and comprehensive work in the flow assurance discipline that addresses the stages of a flow assurance study and identifies how they relate to the pipeline system design and operation. This book is a fundamental resource for flow assurance engineers, pipeline engineers, operators, and production chemists, providing a detailed explanation of basic flow assurance issues that can arise in the pipeline systems and discusses practical methods to solve those issues, safely and cost effectively.


Part I - Fundamentals
1. Pipeline Transportation of Hydrocarbons
2. PVT and Phase Behavior of Petroleum Fluids
3. Hydrocarbon Flow
4. Flow Assurance Concept

Part II - Fluid Related Risks
5. Hydrates
6. Petroleum Waxes
7. Asphaltene
8. Scale
9. Naphthenates and Carboxylates

Part III - Flow Related Risks
10. Flow Stability
11. Flow Integrity
12. Flow Deliverability
13. Pipeline Operations Guidelines
14. The Role of Pipelines in Decarbonization

Appendix A - Critical Properties Estimation Methods
Appendix B. Goossens Correlation for Molecular Weight Measurement
Appendix C. Acentric Factor Estimation Methods
Appendix D. PNA Based Estimation Methods
Appendix E. Splitting Schemes
Appendix F. Whitson Lumping Scheme
Appendix G. Flow Assurance Software Tools