From Farm to Table - Kelly, Alan; Fox, PAtrick; Cogan, Tim; - Prospero Internetes Könyváruház

A termék adatai:

Terjedelem:280 oldal
Méret:236x165x17 mm
Súly:517 g
Illusztrációk: 64 Figures

From Farm to Table

The Science of Milk and Dairy Products
Kiadó: OUP USA
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Rövid leírás:

This book is a general science work which describes the manufacture of several dairy products made from milk including, butter, different cheeses, fermented milks like yogurt and sour cream, Infant formula, pasteurization and pasteurized milks and milk powders. The book also considers the chemistry, biochemistry and microbiology of milk and the composition of starters which are necessary for the production of different fermented dairy products. It includes selected references and suggestions for further reading which open up the more detailed literature.

Hosszú leírás:
The consumption of dairy products, made from the milk of cows, sheep, goats and buffalo, among other mammalian species, is almost as old as human civilization, with evidence of these products stretching back many millenia. The production of different kinds of dairy products originated as different ways to preserve the valuable nutritional goodness of milk components (lactose, fat, protein, vitamins and minerals) and make the milk safe for consumption, using basic principles like fermentation, heating, separation, dehydration, acidification, smoking and salting, which are the keys to producing products like cheese, butter and yogurt.

Many dairy products today are still produced using the same basic principles, and in this book an introduction to the origins, constituents and properties of milk is given, alongside an outline of the ways in which dairy products are made including the development of advanced products like infant formula and formulated nutritional products.

The text introduces, at an introductory level, the chemistry and microbiology of milk, as well as the principles of the main processes used like spray-drying, fermentation and pasteurization, to underpin understanding of how the properties of the main dairy products emerge. The book, which finishes with a discussion of the challenges and threats facing dairy today, is designed to be accessible to a wide range of non-specialist readers who may have an interest in milk and dairy products and want to learn more about this fascinating and ancient branch of the science of food.
Mammals and Milk Production
The Chemistry of Milk Components
The Microbiology of Milk
Starters for Fermented Dairy Products
Pasteurized and Long-Life Milk
Cheese: Principles and Varieties
Fermented Milks
Concentrated and Dried Dairy Products
The Production of Milk Protein Ingredients and Lactose
Ice Cream
Human Milk and Infant Formula
Milk Chocolate
Packaging of Dairy Products
Challenges in the Modern Dairy Sector