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Terjedelem:638 oldal
Méret:254x178 mm
Illusztrációk: 77 Illustrations, black & white; 83 Tables, black & white

Health Benefits of Fermented Foods and Beverages

Kiadás sorszáma: 1
Kiadó: CRC Press
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GBP 69.99
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33 805 Ft (32 195 Ft + 5% áfa)
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30 424 (28 976 Ft + 5% áfa )
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Rövid leírás:

Demonstrating and explaining the health-promoting and therapeutic properties of fermented foods, this comprehensive book covers both the molecular process of fermentation and the resulting benefit to nutritional value and long-term health.

Hosszú leírás:

Health Benefits of Fermented Foods and Beverages discusses the functionality and myriad health benefits of fermented foods and beverages of the world. It examines health-promoting and therapeutic properties, covering the molecular process of fermentation and the resulting benefit to nutritional value and long-term health. Exploring a range of fermented food products from yogurt to tempeh to wine, the book details probiotic activity, degradation of anti-nutritive compounds, and the conversion of substrates into consumable products with enhanced flavor and aroma.

The diversity of functional microorganisms in fermented foods and beverages consists of bacteria, yeasts, and fungi. The most remarkable aspect is the biological functions and the enhanced health benefits due to functional microorganisms associated with them. Written by a host of international experts, the book highlights the microorganisms in fermented foods and beverages of the world. It collates information based on research articles and review papers investigating the different health-promoting benefits such as antioxidant functions, allergic reactions suppression, and overall digestion improvement.

Possible health benefits of fermented foods and beverages include prevention of cardiovascular disease, cancer, hepatic disease, gastrointestinal disorders and inflammatory bowel disease, hypertension, thrombosis, osteoporosis, allergic reactions, and diabetes. In addition, fermented foods list increasing the synthesis of nutrient, reducing obesity, increasing immunity, and alleviating lactose intolerance as well as anti-aging and therapeutic values/medicinal values among its health-related effects. The list grows the more we know about their molecular processes and their biological functions. The book helps you overcome the challenge of large-scale production and bring to consumers fermented foods without losing the unique flavor and other traits associated with the traditional products from which they are derived.


Functional Microorganisms in Fermented Foods and Beverages. Therapeutic Values of Fermented Foods: Traditional Concept and Scientific Claims. Health Benefits of Fermented Vegetables Products. Health Benefits of Fermented Legume Foods. Health Benefits of Fermented Cereal Foods. Health Benefits of Fermented Milk Products. Health Benefits of Fermented Fish Products. Health of Fermented Meat Products. Health Benefits of Alcoholic Beverages. Health Benefits of Wine. Health Benefits of Yogurt. Health-Promoting Benefits of Fermented Tea and Coffee. Saponin as Health-Promoting Bio-active Compounds in Soya-foods. Neutraceutical and New Novel Fermented Foods. Health Impact of Probiotics and Prebiotics. Anti-oxidants in Fermented Foods. Nutritional Aspects of Fermented Foods and Beverages. Anti-nutritive Factors and By-products in Fermented FoodsUndesirable for Consumers. Anti-allergenic Properties/Benefits of Fermented Foods. Clinical Trial of Health-promoting Characters of Fermented Foods. Commercialization of Fermented Foods as Health-promoting Bands.