Herbal Intelligence: Plant Teachers and the Return of Viriditas
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Méret:228x152x20 mm
Súly:309 g

Herbal Intelligence

Plant Teachers and the Return of Viriditas
Kiadó: Healing Arts Press
Megjelenés dátuma:
Kötetek száma: Trade Paperback
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GBP 16.99
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8 206 Ft (7 815 Ft + 5% áfa)
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Rövid leírás:

A guide to the cultural reawakening of modern herbalism.

Hosszú leírás:
A guide to the cultural reawakening of modern herbalism

Providing a comprehensive guide to the dynamic new landscape of modern herbalism, renowned medical herbalist David Hoffmann explores how ancient healing modalities are once again becoming prominent—just when the planet most needs them. Acknowledging the ecologically unsustainable course we are on as a species, Hoffmann reveals herbalism as a way to reconnect with the land and ourselves, a powerful way to participate in the earth-centered green transformation underway in our culture.

Using the concept of viriditas—the understanding of nature as divinely ­intelligent—Hoffmann explores modern herbalism in detail. He looks at the deep involvement of herbs and their constituents in ecology, revealing the universal role of plants in integration and homeostasis. He examines the concepts of biodiversity and chemodiversity, elaborating on the ecological role of human-herb interactions and co-evolutionary relationships between species. Presenting evidence of medicinal plant use by animals and early humans, he reviews herbalism from its ancient roots to the modern varieties in practice today, emphasizing how herbalism that developed outside of the dominant culture laid the foundations for the effective, simple techniques relevant for our modern world. He examines the radical and non-hierarchical roots of herbalism, considering the parallels between the field’s development and the growth of spiritual awakening and social radicalism.

Exploring herbalism through the modern scientific lens, Hoffmann reveals the exponential growth in recent research and peer-reviewed literature on phytotherapy and herbs. He describes the problems inherent in herbalism’s integration into the global marketplace, emphasizing that herbalism must stay rooted in the health of the people to avoid becoming commodified. He also offers a range of herbal approaches to support personal and cultural resilience during the crises humanity is facing.

Ultimately, Hoffmann says, a vibrant culture of herbalism can have critical implications for the future: in the face of ecosystem breakdown and myriad crises, earth-centered herbalism can serve as a crucial force for health and resilience.

“Goes far beyond the science of herbalism by deeply connecting us to viriditas, the power of the green. A testament to grassroots herbalism that has always been and will always be, Herbal Intelligence places herbs at the forefront of coping with a precarious future. David’s gem of a book illuminates how the power of the green may help us not only survive but thrive.”
Radicle and Radical: My Path to Herbalism

Embrace of the Green



1 The Deep Roots of Modern Herbalism

2 Using Herbs in the Context of a Therapeutic System

3 Names and Numbers: Defining Herbalism


The Science

4 An Old Herbalist Looks at the New Science

5 The Ecological Theater and the Evolutionary Play

6 The Pharmacology of Herbal Synergy


A Path Forward

7 Herbalism Today

8 Reality Check

9 What Is a Simple Herbalist to Do?

Herbalism in the Anthropocene

Educational Resources



About the Author