Hybrid Polymeric Systems for Biomedical Applications - Sadiku, Emmanuel Rotimi; Aderibigbe, Blessing A.; (szerk.) - Prospero Internetes Könyváruház

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Terjedelem:400 oldal
Méret:228x152 mm

Hybrid Polymeric Systems for Biomedical Applications

Kiadó: Woodhead Publishing
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Kiadói listaár:
EUR 200.00
Becsült forint ár:
82 530 Ft (78 600 Ft + 5% áfa)
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74 277 (70 740 Ft + 5% áfa )
Kedvezmény(ek): 10% (kb. 8 253 Ft)
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Hosszú leírás:

Hybrid Polymeric Systems for Biomedical Applications explores the development and utilization of hybrid polymeric systems for use in a range of biomedical applications. Hybrid systems combine the specialized properties of each polymer type to produce a more targeted material which is much more tightly aligned with the intended application and outcome. This book covers a broad selection of hybrid polymeric systems as well as a variety of key biomedical applications, including tissue engineering, drug delivery, wound healing, and more.


1. Hybrid polymeric systems: Design, biomedical applications, Opportunities, Challenges and Future Perspectives 2. Hybrid Polymeric Materials for Potential Applications In Cartilage, Ligament, And Tendon Tissue Engineering 3. Hybrid polymeric materials for potential applications in bone regeneration 4. Hybrid polymeric scaffolds for potential applications in wound dressing and skin regeneration 5. Hybrid polymeric systems for potential applications in drug delivery systems for chronic and infectious diseases 6. Hybrid polymeric scaffolds for diagnostic applications 7. Hybrid polymeric systems for potential applications in ocular drug delivery 8. Hybrid Polymeric Scaffolds for Brain Application: Locoregional Glioblastoma Therapy 9. Hybrid polymeric scaffolds for potential applications in nerve and muscle regeneration 10. Hybrid polymeric systems for potential applications in vaccine delivery 11. The efficacy of piezo- and magnetoactive polymer scaffolds in tissue engineering 12. The design of hybrid polymeric materials for tissue engineering: 3D bioprinting, polymeric protheses, smart polymers, and shape memory polymeric biomaterials