Ignite Me - Mafi, Tahereh - Prospero Internetes Könyváruház

Ignite Me: Fear will learn to fear me
A termék adatai:

Terjedelem:416 oldal
Méret:203x134x27 mm
Súly:318 g

Ignite Me

Fear will learn to fear me
Sorozatcím: Shatter Me; 3;
Kiadás sorszáma: Repr.
Kiadó: Storytide
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USD 15.99
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6 581 Ft (6 268 Ft + 5% áfa)
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Az Ön ára:

6 055 (5 767 Ft + 5% áfa )
Kedvezmény(ek): 8% (kb. 526 Ft)
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Becsült beszerzési idő: A Prosperónál jelenleg nincsen raktáron, de a kiadónál igen. Beszerzés kb. 3-5 hét..
A Prosperónál jelenleg nincsen raktáron.
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Rövid leírás:

1 New York Times bestselling author of Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children

Hosszú leírás:
The fate of Omega Point is unknown.Everyone Juliette cares about may be dead. Now Juliette is the only one standing in The Reestablishment's way. But to take them down, as well as Anderson, the man that nearly killed her, Juliette needs the help of the one person she never thought she could trust: Warner. And as they work together, Juliette will discover that everything she thought she knew?about Warner, her abilities, and even Adam?was wrong.

PRAISE FOR THE SHATTER ME SERIES: "Tahereh Mafi's bold, inventive prose crackles with raw emotion. A thrilling, high-stakes saga of self-discovery and forbidden love, the Shatter Me series is a must-read for fans of dystopian young adult literature-or any literature!" Ransom Riggs,