A termék adatai:

Terjedelem:278 oldal
Méret:234x156 mm
Súly:510 g
Illusztrációk: 81 Illustrations, black & white; 64 Halftones, black & white; 17 Line drawings, black & white; 5 Tables, black & white

Interactive Technologies and Music Making

Transmutable Music
Kiadás sorszáma: 1
Kiadó: Focal Press
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GBP 31.99
Becsült forint ár:
15 451 Ft (14 715 Ft + 5% áfa)
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13 906 (13 244 Ft + 5% áfa )
Kedvezmény(ek): 10% (kb. 1 545 Ft)
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A Prosperónál jelenleg nincsen raktáron.
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Rövid leírás:

Challenging current music making approaches which have traditionally relied on the repetition of fixed forms when played, this book provides a new framework for musicians, composers and producers wanting to explore working with music that can be represented by data and transformed by interactive technologies.


Hosszú leírás:

Challenging current music making approaches which have traditionally relied on the repetition of fixed forms when played, this book provides a new framework for musicians, composers, and producers wanting to explore working with music that can be represented by data and transformed by interactive technologies.

Beginning with an exploration into how current interactive technologies, including VR and AR, are affecting music, the book goes on to create an accessible compositional model which articulates the emerging field of ?transmutable music.? It then shows how to compose and produce transmutable music for platforms like video games, apps and interactive works, employing tutorials which use a range of inputs from sensors, data, and compositional approaches. The book also offers technical exercises on how to transform data into usable forms (including machine learning techniques) for mapping musical parameters, and discussion points to support learning.

This book is a valuable resource for industry professionals wanting to gain an insight into cutting edge new practice, as well as for assisting musicians, composers, and producers with professional development. It is also suitable for students and researchers in the fields of music/audio composition and music/audio production, computer game design, and interactive media.


1. Introduction Section 1 ? Understanding Transmutable Music Systems 2. Aesthetics of Transmutable Music 3. Components of Transmutable Music Systems Section 2 ? Approaches for Composing Transmutable Music 4. Experience and Interaction 5. Variability 6. Transmutability 7. Evaluating Transmutable Music Section 3 Interactive Technologies and Music Making (Background and Context) 8. The Convergence of Remix, Production and Video Games 9. The Convergence of Music, Technology, and Interactivity Section 4 Compositional Approaches in Transmutable Music: Tutorial Series 10. Mobile Music Making Basic Tutorials with MIDI 11. Mobile Music Making Advanced Tutorials (OSC) 12. Adaptive Music for Video Games Section 5 - Conclusion, Companion Website and Glossary 13. Conclusion 14. Online Resource 15. Glossary