Interior Design is Not Decoration: And Other Ideas
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Terjedelem:232 oldal
Méret:200x144 mm
Illusztrációk: 100

Interior Design is Not Decoration

And Other Ideas
Kiadó: Laurence King Publishing
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GBP 24.99
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12 070 Ft (11 495 Ft + 5% áfa)
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10 259 (9 771 Ft + 5% áfa )
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Hosszú leírás:
Interior design is not about paint colours and accent cushions. It is an important practice that affects all our lives. This entertaining book explores the world of interior design with a snappy set of 100 entries, all explaining what interior design is in an attractive format. The wide range of topics covered - media and culture, psychology, concepts, space, types of project, materials, environment and wellbeing, technical issues, and the profession - just proves that interiors are an integral part of our lived experience. The book will appeal to students, professionals and anyone interested in the fascinating subject of what surrounds us.