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Terjedelem:868 oldal
Méret:254x178 mm
Súly:1770 g
Illusztrációk: 35 Illustrations, black & white; 17 Illustrations, color; 6 Halftones, color; 35 Line drawings, black & white; 11 Line drawings, color; 55 Tables, black & white

Lactic Acid Bacteria

Microbiological and Functional Aspects
Kiadás sorszáma: 6
Kiadó: CRC Press
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GBP 260.00
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Rövid leírás:

Thoroughly updated (with the current lactobacilli taxonomy) and fully revised, with a re-arrangement of chapters into four sections, the Sixth Edition covers new findings on health effects, properties, production and stability of LAB as well as regulatory aspects globally.

Hosszú leírás:

Through five editions, and since 1993, Lactic Acid Bacteria: Microbiological and Functional Aspects has provided readers with information on how and why fermentation by lactic acid-producing bacteria improves the shelf life, palatability, and nutritive value of perishable foods and also how these microbes have been used as probiotics for decades. Thoroughly updated (with the current lactobacilli taxonomy) and fully revised, with a rearrangement of chapters into four sections, the Sixth Edition covers new findings on health effects, properties, production and stability of LAB as well as regulatory aspects globally. The new edition also addresses the technological use of LAB in various fermentations of food, feed, and beverage and their safety considerations. It also includes the rising concept of postbiotics and discusses new targets such as cognitive function, metabolic health, and respiratory health.


Key Features:

  • In 42 chapters, divided into 4 sections, findings are presented on health effects, properties and stability of LAB as well as production of target-specific LAB.

  • Covers the revised ?Lactobacillus? taxonomy

  • Addresses novel topics such as postbiotics

  • Presents new discoveries related to the mechanisms of actions of lactic acid bacteria

  • Covers the benefits of LAB in fermentation of dairy, cereal, meat, vegetable and silage, including non-Western traditional fermented foods from Africa and Asia

  • Discusses the less-known role of LAB as food spoilers

  • Reports on the health benefits of LAB on humans and animals

  • Covers the global regulatory framework related to safety and efficacy

Section I               Taxonomy, physiology and molecular biology     


Chapter 01          Lactic Acid Bacteria: An Introduction to Taxonomy, Physiology and Molecular


Atte von Wright, Lars Axelsson, Lorenzo Morelli


Chapter 02          The Genus Lactobacillus ? Across the Past and Future   

Fandi Ibrahim, Sarah Lebeer, Elisa Salvetti, Giovanna E. Felis


Chapter 03          Genus Lactococcus         

Atte von Wright


Chapter 04          Streptococcus: a brief update on the status of the genus             

John R. Tagg, Liam K. Harold, John D. F. Hale, Philip A. Wescombe, Jeremy Burton


Chapter 05          The genus Enterococcus, bacteria with beneficial and/or non-beneficial potential

Andrea Laukova


Chapter 06          Introduction to the genera Pediococcus, Vagococcus, Leuconostoc, Weissella,


Elina Säde, Per Johansson, Johanna Björkroth


Chapter 07          Bifidobacteria: general overview of ecology, taxonomy and genomics  

Francesca Bottacini, Christian Milani, Francesca Turroni, Marco Ventura, Douwe van Sinderen


Chapter 08          Bacteriophages and anti-phages mechanisms in lactic acid bacteria        

Frank Hille, Paulina Deptula, Natalia Biere, Charles M. A. P. Franz, Finn Kvist Vogensen


Section II              Technology and food applications


Chapter 09          Antimicrobials from Lactic Acid Bacteria and Their Potential Applications

Fergus W. J. Collins, Mary C. Rea, Colin Hill, R. Paul Ross


Chapter 10          Lactic Acid Bacteria for Fermented Dairy Products          

Sylvie Binda, Arthur C. Ouwehand


Chapter 11          Lactic Acid Bacteria in the Fermentation of Non-Alcoholic Cereal Products

Michael G. Gänzle


Chapter 12          Lactic Acid Bacteria in Meat Fermentations: Role of Autochthonous Starter

Cultures on Quality, Safety and Health

Silvina Faddam , Patricia Castellano, Lucrecia Terán, Raúl Raya, Graciela Vignolo


Chapter 13          Lactic Acid Bacteria in Vegetable, Fruit and Seed Fermentations

Sofia Forssten , Arthur C. Ouwehand


Chapter 14          Silage Fermentation      

Arthur Ouwehand


Chapter 15          Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) in Grape Fermentations: An Example of LAB as Contaminants in Food Processing         

Eveline Bartowsky


Chapter 16          Lactic Acid Bacteria in Food Spoilage     

Vasileios Pothakos, Johanna Björkroth


Chapter 17          Examples of Lactic-Fermented Foods of the African Continent  

K. Banwo , Oluwafemi A. Adebo, Titilayo D. O. Falade


Chapter 18          Lactic-Fermented Foods and Alcoholic Beverages in Asia

H. Nakibapher Jones Shangpliang, Namrata Thapa , Jyoti Prakash Tamang


Chapter 19          The Production of Lactic Acid Bacteria Starters and Probiotic Cultures: An Industrial Perspective               

Gabriel Vinderola, Melisa Puntillo, Émilie Desfossés-Foucault, Claude P. Champagne


Chapter 20          Stability of Lactic Acid Bacteria and Bifidobacteria in Foods and Supplements                    Miguel Gueimonde, Clara G. de los Reyes-Gavilán, Noraphat Hwanhlem, Nuria

Salazar, Silvia Arboleya


Section III            Role of LAB in health and disease             


Chapter 21          Human microbiota

Maria Carmen Collado, Miguel Gueimonde Fernández


Chapter 22          Lactic Acid Bacteria in the Gut  

Mirjana Rajilić-Stojanović, Suzana Dimitrijević, Nataša Golić


Chapter 23          Gastrointestinal Benefits of Probiotics: Clinical Evidence

                                Arthur C. Ouwehand


Chapter 24          Probiotics and the Immune System        

Hanne Fr?ki?r


Chapter 25          Targeting the Gut Microbiota in Metabolic Disorders Potential Impact of Lactic

Acid Bacteria and Next Generation Probiotics

Kassem Makki, Hubert Vidal, Corinne Grangette


Chapter 26          Brain?Gut?Microbiota Axis in Mood and Cognition: Impact of Psychobiotics                                       Mary I. Butler, Brian W. O?Mahony, John F. Cryan, Timothy G. Dinan


Chapter 27          Lactic Acid Bacteria and Oral Health      

Iva Stamatova, Qingru Jiang, Jukka H. Meurman


Chapter 28          Human Studies on Probiotics and Endogenous Lactic Acid Bacteria in the Female

Urogenital Tract              

Gregor Reid, Scarlett Puebla Barragan


Chapter 29          Lactic Acid Bacteria and Respiratory Health: Their Beneficial Effects on Viral


Julio Villena, Leonardo Albarracín, Mariano Elean, Haruki Kitazawa


Chapter 30          Human Studies on Probiotics: Infants and Children        

Hania Szajewska


Chapter 31          Nutrition Economics: Adding Value to Fermented Probiotics     

Aki Koponen, Seppo Salminen, Irene Lenoir-Winjkopp


Chapter 32          Health Beneficial Microbes for Companion Animals       

Minna Rinkinen, Shea Beasley, Ángel Sainz


Chapter 33          Lactic Acid Bacteria in Aquatic Environments and Their Applications      

Beatriz Gómez-Sala, Diogo Contente, Javier Feito, Lara Díaz-Formoso, Juan Borrero,

Estefanía Mu?oz-Atienza, Pablo E. Hernández, Luis M. Cintas


Chapter 34          The Use of Probiotics in Nutrition and Disease Prevention in Farm production


Dagmar Mudroňová, Ladislav Strojný, Jana Štofilová


Chapter 35          Beneficial effects of inactivated Lactic Acid Bacteria

Marion Bernardeau, Jean-Paul Vernoux


Chapter 36          Skin Health Benefits of Topical and Enteral Lactic acid Bacteria

Catherine O'neill, Andrew J. McBain


Section IV            Safety and regulation    


Chapter 37          The Safety of Lactic Acid Bacteria for use in foods           

Davis Obis, Artur C. Ouwehand


Chapter 38          Probiotics: regulation in Asian and Australasian countries           

Yuan Kun Lee , Jin Xu, Xiaomin Han, Jasvir Singh, Ingrid Suryanti Surono, Hiroko

Tanaka, Myung Soo Park, Geun Eog Ji, E-Siong Tee, Julie D. Tan, Francisco Elegado, Yi-Ling Tan, Ming-Ju Chen, Malee Jirawongsy, Chalat Santivarangkna, Le Hoang Vinh, Caroline Gray


Chapter 39          Probiotics: regulation in Latin American countries          

Melisa Puntillo, Ana Binetti, Patricia Burns, Daniela Tomei, Gabriel Vinderola, Elisa



Chapter 40          The Regulation of Probiotics in the United States            

Amy Smith


Chapter 41          Probiotics: regulation in Canada              

J P Powers, Jenelle Patterson


Chapter 42          Safety Assessment of Probiotics in the European Union (EU)      

Seppo Salminen, Atte von Wright