ISBN13: | 9781032054988 |
ISBN10: | 10320549811 |
Kötéstípus: | Puhakötés |
Terjedelem: | 322 oldal |
Méret: | 234x156 mm |
Súly: | 600 g |
Nyelv: | angol |
Illusztrációk: | 8 Illustrations, black & white; 8 Halftones, black & white |
699 |
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Law, Video Games, Virtual Realities
GBP 39.99
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This edited volume explores the intersection between the coded realm of the video game and the equally codified space of law through an insightful collection of critical readings.
This edited volume explores the intersection between the coded realm of the video game and the equally codified space of law through an insightful collection of critical readings.
Law is the ultimate multiplayer role-playing game. Involving a process of world-creation, law presents and codifies the parameters of licit and permitted behaviour, requiring individuals to engage their roles as a legal subject ? the player-avatar of law ? in order to be recognised, perform legal actions, activate rights or fulfil legal duties. Although traditional forms of law (copyright, property, privacy, freedom of expression) externally regulate the permissible content, form, dissemination, rights and behaviours of game designers, publishers, and players, this collection examines how players simulate, relate, and engage with environments and experiences shaped by legality in the realm of video game space.
Featuring critical readings of video games as a means of understanding law and justice, this book contributes to the developing field of cultural legal studies, but will also be of interest to other legal theorists, socio-legal scholars, and games theorists.
1. Introduction: Playing Law Dale Mitchell, Ashley Pearson, and Timothy D. Peters Part I: Code as Law, Law as Play 2. Towards a Legal Ludology: Language Games, Playful Magic, and the Game of Law Dale Mitchell 3. Invisible Walls: Facts and Freedom in Coded Space James C. Fisher 4. Emergent Governance from Polycentric Order in Virtual Reality Social Spaces Anne Hobson 5. Emergent Systems: Virtuality, Legality, Formality Daniel Hourigan 6. Decoding Legal (Un)certainty in Doki Doki Literature Club! Ashley Pearson Part II: Worldbuilding and Subject Formation 7. Playing With Borders: Using Video Games to Bring Emotion into the Law Classroom Jean Ketterling 8. One More Turn: The Gamic Afterlives of Johnson v M'Intosh and Digital Settler Colonialism in Sid Meier's Civilization VI S. Thomas Keynes 9. Playing the World Picture: Sid Meier's Civilization and the Law of Abstraction Kieran Tranter 10. A Minor Jurisprudence of Play: Becoming Jurisprudents Through Play in the Majora's Mask Joshua D.M. Shaw Part III: Sites of Law and Jurisprudence 11. Gaming at the Margins of Law or, Niko Bellic's (Critical) Theory of Justice Luis Gómez Romero 12. Law Among Chaos: An Anti-Schmittian Reading of Skyrim Anna Lukina and Shane Finn 13. Grand Theft Neoliberalism James Gilchrist Stewart 14. Terra Nulllius: Claiming Land on Civilization's Empty Earth Conor Leggott 15. Game Over: On Emptying the Public Square Desmond Manderson