Lively Cities ? Reconfiguring Urban Ecology - Barua, Maan; - Prospero Internetes Könyváruház

Lively Cities ? Reconfiguring Urban Ecology: Reconfiguring Urban Ecology
A termék adatai:

Terjedelem:408 oldal
Méret:216x140x21 mm
Súly:470 g
Illusztrációk: 53 black and white illustrations

Lively Cities ? Reconfiguring Urban Ecology

Reconfiguring Urban Ecology
Kiadó: MP ? University Of Minnesota Press
Megjelenés dátuma:
Kötetek száma: Paperback
Normál ár:

Kiadói listaár:
GBP 23.99
Becsült forint ár:
12 594 Ft (11 995 Ft + 5% áfa)
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Az Ön ára:

11 335 (10 796 Ft + 5% áfa )
Kedvezmény(ek): 10% (kb. 1 259 Ft)
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Hosszú leírás:

A journey through unexplored spaces that foreground new ways of inhabiting the urban


One of the fundamental dimensions of urbanization is its radical transformation of nature. Today domestic animals make up more than twice the biomass of people on the planet, and cities are replete with nonhuman life. Yet current accounts of the urban remain resolutely anthropocentric. Lively Cities departs from conventions of urban studies to argue that cities are lived achievements forged by a multitude of entities, drawing attention to a suite of beings—human and nonhuman—that make up the material politics of city making.

From macaques and cattle in Delhi to the invasive parakeet colonies in London, Maan Barua examines the rhythms, paths, and agency of nonhumans across the city. He reconceptualizes several key themes in urban thought, including infrastructure, the built environment, design, habitation, and everyday practices of dwelling and provides a critical intervention in animal and urban studies. Generating fresh conversations between posthumanism, postcolonialism, and political economy, Barua reveals how human and nonhuman actors shape, integrate, subsume, and relate to urban space in fascinating ways.

Through novel combinations of ethnography and ethology, and focusing on interlocutors that are not the usual suspects animating urban theory, Barua’s work considers nonhuman lifeworlds and the differences they make in understanding urbanicity. Lively Cities is an agenda-setting intervention, ultimately proposing a new grammar of urban life.

"Urbanities are the intersection and always provisional conjunctions of multiple inhabitations negotiated across a heterogeneity of agencies and forces—engendering dispositions always unsettled in their everyday encounters and unruly ecologies. This text is an unparalleled exploration of the liveliness that other-than-human beings infuse into a sociality extended beyond biopolitical conceptualization and control, underlining an urban economy more attuned to its natural surrounds. An essential excursion across the shifting landscapes of incipient sustenance."—AbdouMaliq Simone, author of The Surrounds: Urban Life within and beyond Capture


"Barua’s ambitious and poetic account will undoubtedly become a touchstone text in several fields."—Urban Studies


"A phenomenal work that exhorts the reader to reconceptualize the urban environment as a lively meshwork of human and other-than-human entities."—H-Net


"[Lively Cities] provides a new perspective on the continuous formation of urban ecologies."—Social Anthropology


"A rich and evocative theoretical framework for thinking the city in a minor key."—Humanimalia


"Ecological formations inhere in the fabric of the urban, and yet […] they have been marginalized as objects of concern by major strands of urban theory. Lively Cities remedies this absence. "—City


"Expands the debate significantly and productively."—Urban Geography