Pathology of Wildlife and Zoo Animals - Terio, Karen A.; McAloose, Denise; Leger, Judy St.; (szerk.) - Prospero Internetes Könyváruház

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Pathology of Wildlife and Zoo Animals

Kiadás sorszáma: 2
Kiadó: Academic Press
Megjelenés dátuma:
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Kiadói listaár:
EUR 200.00
Becsült forint ár:
86 940 Ft (82 800 Ft + 5% áfa)
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78 246 (74 520 Ft + 5% áfa )
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Hosszú leírás:

Pathology of Wildlife and Zoo Animals, Second Edition is the much-anticipated update to the leading resource on the study of diseases in non-domestic species. The book offers comprehensive coverage of the pathology of wildlife and zoo species, including a wide scope of animals, disease types and geographic regions. Chapters include information on performing necropsies, proper techniques to meet the specialized needs of forensic cases, laboratory diagnostics, and an introduction to basic principles of comparative clinical pathology. The taxon-based chapters provide information about diseases in related groups of animals and include descriptions of gross and histologic lesions, pathogenesis and diagnostics.

For each group of animals, notable, unique, gross and microscopic anatomical features are provided to further assist the reader in deciding whether differences from the domestic animal paradigm are "normal." Additional online content, which includes text, images and whole scanned glass slides of selected conditions expand the published material thus resulting in a comprehensive approach to the topic.


1. Wildlife Necropsy
2. Forensic Wildlife Pathology
3. Wildlife Zoonoses
4. Laboratory Diagnostics
5. Introduction to Comparative Clinical Pathology
6. Bovidae, Antilocapridae, Giraffidae, Tragulidae, Hippopotamidae
7. Cervidae
8. Camelidae
9. Suidae and Tayassuidae
10. Canidae, Ursidae, and Ailuridae
11. Felidae
12. Mustelidae
13. Procyonidae, Viverridae and Ursidae
14. Prosimians
15. New World and Old World Monkeys
16. Apes
17. Proboscidea
18. Perissodactyla
19. Monotremes and Marsupials
20. Lagomorpha
21. Rodentia
22. Xenartha, Erinacoemorpha, Eutheria, and Afrotheria
23. Cetacea
24. Pinnipediae
25. Sirenia
26. Chiroptera
27. Struthioniformes
28. Sphenisciformes, Gaviiformes, Podiceipediformes, Procellariiformes,and Pelecaniformes
29. Phoenicopteriformes
30. Anseriformes, Ciconiiformes, Charadriiformes, and Gruiformes
31. Birds of Prey
32. Galliformes and Columbiformes
33. Psittaciformes, Coliiformes, Musophagiformes, and Cuculiformes
34. Passeriformes, Trochiliformes, Coraciiformes, Caprimulgiformes, Apodiformes, and Piciformes
35. Chelonia
36. Crocodilia
37. Lacertilia
38. Serpentis
39. Amphibia
40 Osteichthyes (Freshwater and Marine)
41. Chondrichthes
42. Invertebrates

Appendix A: Viral Families and Documented Diseases