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Perfumes of the Orient (Arabic edition)

Kiadó: Thames & Hudson
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Kiadói listaár:
GBP 30.00
Becsült forint ár:
14 490 Ft (13 800 Ft + 5% áfa)
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Az Ön ára:

12 317 (11 730 Ft + 5% áfa )
Kedvezmény(ek): 15% (kb. 2 174 Ft)
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Hosszú leírás:
Travelling from Muscat to Marrakech, this book explores the importance of perfume and its place in Arab culture

Since ancient times, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has been at the heart of the trade in olfactory materials. Home to myrrh and incense, it was also the crossroads for the trade in spices and precious aromatics, such as the mythical oud or the mysterious musk. All these marvels, brought by caravan from the eastern reaches of the world, spread to the shores of the Mediterranean and the Euphrates.

Perfumes not only had a historical and commercial status, but they were one of the favourite things of the Prophet, as he said: From your world, I love women and perfume, and my favourite part of the world is prayer.

The use of perfume has always been a hallmark of Arab-Islamic civilisation, as perfume makes ones life pleasant and accompanies them in both their social and intimate lives. With contributions from more than twenty perfumers, including olfactory experimenters, materials researchers, engineers, sociologists, and historians, this book celebrates an art that is as evanescent as captivating, and which still shapes an entire culture today.

From the fields of roses in the Drâa valley to the saffron-scented streets of the medina, from the incense scents of the souk to the sacred fumigations of the temple, from the gardens of jasmine to the aromas of honey and orange blossom in oriental cuisine, let yourself be drawn into the fascinating and sensual world of perfume.