Photoelectrochemistry of Semiconductors - Hagfeldt, Anders; Vlachopoulos, Nick; - Prospero Internetes Könyváruház

Photoelectrochemistry of Semiconductors
A termék adatai:

Terjedelem:650 oldal
Méret:229x152 mm
Súly:453 g

Photoelectrochemistry of Semiconductors

Kiadás sorszáma: 1
Kiadó: Jenny Stanford Publishing
Megjelenés dátuma:
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Kiadói listaár:
GBP 139.00
Becsült forint ár:
72 975 Ft (69 500 Ft + 5% áfa)
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Az Ön ára:

65 678 (62 550 Ft + 5% áfa )
Kedvezmény(ek): 10% (kb. 7 298 Ft)
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Rövid leírás:

This textbook introduces the principles of semiconductor photoelectrochemistry to undergraduate and master-level students, with basic physics and physical chemistry as pre-requisites. Several books exist in the domain, but none presents the field at an introductory, education-oriented level.

Hosszú leírás:

Since the early 1970s, semiconductor photoelectrochemistry has been attracting considerable interest in academic?and increasingly in industrial?laboratories for solar energy conversion. This textbook introduces the principles of semiconductor photoelectrochemistry to undergraduate and master-level students, with basic physics and physical chemistry as pre-requisites. Several books exist in the domain, but none presents the field at an introductory, education-oriented level. The book, with its interdisciplinary character, demonstrates how two separately taught fields at universities?electrochemistry and solid-state physics?can be combined for the development of systems for solar energy conversion for electricity generation or preparation of chemicals. It contains detailed mathematical derivations of all related concepts, illustrating the common characteristics of these fields. Appendices are included in the chapters to present the details of several aspects of physical science in support of the fundamentals. A comprehensive bibliography is presented at the end, suggesting several textbooks and reference books complementing the topics covered in the textbook.


1. The Need for Solar Energy 2. Radiation Emitted by the Sun 3. Basic Features of Photoelectrochemical Energy Conversion 4. Electronic Semiconductor Properties: Carrier Equilibrium 5. Optical Semiconductor Properties 6. Electronic Semiconductor Properties: Carrier Kinetics and Transport 7. Doping of Oxide Semiconductors 8. Interface Equilibrium and Redox Fermi Level 9. Metal?Electrolyte Interface 10. Electrochemical Reactors at Metal Electrodes 11. Electron Transfer Theory in Electrochemistry 12. Introduction to the p-n Photodiode 13. Semiconductor?Electrolyte Junction in the Dark 14. Illuminated Semiconductor?Electrolyte Junction 15. Dye-Sensitised Semiconductor Electrodes and Solar Cells 16. Photoelectrolytic Solar Cells 17. Hybrid Systems Combining Photovoltaic Cells and Either Electrochemical or Photoelectrochemical Cells