Pizza on a Plank - Guillen, Dina; - Prospero Internetes Könyváruház

Pizza on a Plank: Make Wood-Fired Pizza on Your Grill!
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Pizza on a Plank

Make Wood-Fired Pizza on Your Grill!
Kiadó: Workman Adult
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GBP 17.99
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9 444 Ft (8 995 Ft + 5% áfa)
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8 028 (7 646 Ft + 5% áfa )
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Hosszú leírás:

One brilliant, simple trick-cooking pizzas on a wooden plank-transforms the common grill into an affordable, surprisingly effective pizza oven, with over 40 recipes for delicious crispy-crusted pies to rival any pizzeria.
Pizza is one of the most popular foods in the world. But homemade pizza rarely hits the crispy-chewy-charred trifecta-and that's because many of us don't own a wood-burning oven. Until now. By employing one brilliant, simple trick-cooking pizzas on a wooden plank-you can transform your gas or charcoal grill into an appliance that rivals any pizza oven.
Pizza on a Plank offers an easy-to-follow introduction to plank grilling, including where to buy food-safe planks (they're sold affordably at places like Home Depot and Costco), the best methods for soaking and seasoning them, gas vs. charcoal plank-grilling techniques, how to pair different woods (such as hickory, cedar, alder, and mesquite) with their ideal pizza toppings, and much more. More than 40 inventive savory and sweet pizza recipes-plus doughs and sauces-get us eagerly firing up the grill. With full-color step-by-step and beauty photography throughout.