A termék adatai:
ISBN13: | 9789056992194 |
ISBN10: | 9056992198 |
Kötéstípus: | Keménykötés |
Terjedelem: | 226 oldal |
Méret: | 254x191 mm |
Súly: | 793 g |
Nyelv: | angol |
0 |
A biológia általános kérdései
A fizika általános kérdései
Csillagászat általában
A biológia általános kérdései (karitatív célú kampány)
A fizika általános kérdései (karitatív célú kampány)
Optika (karitatív célú kampány)
Asztrofizika (karitatív célú kampány)
Csillagászat általában (karitatív célú kampány)
Polarization of Light and Astronomical Observation
Advances in Astronomy and Astrophysics;
Kiadás sorszáma: 1
Kiadó: CRC Press
Megjelenés dátuma: 2001. január 11.
Normál ár:
Kiadói listaár:
GBP 18.99
GBP 18.99
Az Ön ára:
8 973 (8 546 Ft + 5% áfa )
Kedvezmény(ek): 10% (kb. 997 Ft)
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Rövid leírás:
Describes Polarization of Light and Astronomical Observation in a mostly qualitative way so both professional and amateur astronomers may benefit from this book. Numerous references are also provided.
Hosszú leírás:
Light that is received from celestial bodies is polarized any time that an asymmetry occurs at the stage of emission or during the transfer of radiation towards the observer. Polarimetry therefore allows the acquisition of useful data that would be difficult to obtain using other methods in various astrophysical situations: surface and atmosphere of the Sun and the stars, detection of magnetic fields. For the first time, these different fields of study are presented from the same perspective, highlighting the common logic of all polarization phenomena. They are described in a mostly qualitative way, with as few mathematical formulas as possible, so both professional and amateur astronomers may benefit from this reading. Numerous references including the most recent works allow the reader to go deeper into the field.
1. General Description of Polarized Light 2. Mechanisms that Produce Polarization 3. Astronomical Polarimeters 4. Pl;anetary Atmospheres 5. Planetary Surfaces 6. Interstellar Medium and Galactic Nebulae 7. Stellar Atmospheres, Circumstellar Envelopes 8. Polarization Due to Stellar Magnetic Fields 9. The Extragalactic World