Portal Hypertension VII - de Franchis, Roberto; (szerk.) - Prospero Internetes Könyváruház

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Terjedelem:692 oldal
Méret:235x155 mm
Súly:1347 g
Illusztrációk: 4 Illustrations, black & white; 55 Illustrations, color

Portal Hypertension VII

Proceedings of the 7th Baveno Consensus Workshop: Personalized Care in Portal Hypertension
Kiadás sorszáma: 1st ed. 2022
Kiadó: Springer
Megjelenés dátuma:
Kötetek száma: 1 pieces, Book
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Kiadói listaár:
EUR 130.79
Becsült forint ár:
56 854 Ft (54 147 Ft + 5% áfa)
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Az Ön ára:

52 306 (49 815 Ft + 5% áfa )
Kedvezmény(ek): 8% (kb. 4 548 Ft)
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Becsült beszerzési idő: A Prosperónál jelenleg nincsen raktáron, de a kiadónál igen. Beszerzés kb. 3-5 hét..
A Prosperónál jelenleg nincsen raktáron.
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Rövid leírás:

This book, the seventh in a series of proceedings volumes that began in 1995, reviews the latest developments in the diagnosis and management of cirrhosis and portal hypertension. It addresses a broad range of topics, including: risk stratification, HVPG, non-invasive surrogates for cACLD, CSPH, varices, progression and regression of cirrhosis, impact of etiological therapy on cirrhosis, impact of non-etiological novel therapies on cirrhosis, prevention of first/further decompensation, acute variceal hemorrhage, and Vascular Liver Disorders in Cirrhosis (VALDIG).

The book is a compilation of lectures and important consensus statements from the Seventh Baveno International Consensus Workshop on Portal Hypertension, the latest in a series of workshops held every five years for hepatologists with an interest in the field.

Portal Hypertension VII offers a valuable reference guide for clinical and research fellows in Gastroenterology and Hepatology and will inspire new research projects in the promising areas identified by the experts of the Baveno VII Faculty.

Hosszú leírás:
This book, the seventh in a series of proceedings volumes that began in 1995, reviews the latest developments in the diagnosis and management of cirrhosis and portal hypertension. It addresses a broad range of topics, including: risk stratification, HVPG, non-invasive surrogates for cACLD, CSPH, varices, progression and regression of cirrhosis, impact of etiological therapy on cirrhosis, impact of non-etiological novel therapies on cirrhosis, prevention of first/further decompensation, acute variceal hemorrhage, and Vascular Liver Disorders in Cirrhosis (VALDIG).

The book is a compilation of lectures and important consensus statements from the Seventh Baveno International Consensus Workshop on Portal Hypertension, the latest in a series of workshops held every five years for hepatologists with an interest in the field.

Portal Hypertension VII offers a valuable reference guide for clinical and research fellows in Gastroenterology and Hepatology and will inspire new research projects in the promising areas identified by the experts of the Baveno VII Faculty.


PART I) INTRODUCTORY LECTURES.- Chapter 1) Introduction: Baveno I to Baveno VII?. and Beyond.- Chapter 2) New Concepts in Risk Stratification.- Chapter 3) Clinical Stages and Ordinal Outcomes in Portal Hypertension.- Chapter 4) Lifestyle and Genetic Modifiers of Liver Disease Progression.- PART II) HVPG AS A GOLD STANDARD.- Chapter 5) HVPG as a Gold Standard: Accuracy Is Essential.- Chapter 6) Consensus Statements, Panel 1: HVPG as a Gold Standard.- PART III NONINVASIVE TOOLS FOR cACLD AND PORTAL HYPERTENSION.- Chapter 7) Results of the Baveno VII Questionnaire on the Use of Non-Invasive Tools for cACLD and Portal Hypertension.- Chapter 8) Compensated Advanced Chronic Liver Disease (cACLD).- Chapter 9) Non-Invasive Detection of Clinically Significant Portal Hypertension with Liver Elastography.- Chapter 10) Varices and Screening Endoscopy.- Chapter 11) Liver Elastography for Prognostication and Monitoring Patients with Compensated Advanced Chronic Liver Disease.- Chapter 12) SpleenStiffness.- Chapter 13) Emerging Non-Invasive Markers: Imaging, Blood, and Liver Clearance Tests.- Chapter 14) Consensus Statements, Panel 2: Non-Invasive Surrogates for cACLD, CSPH, Varices.- PART IV) NEW SCENARIOS 1: INTRODUCTORY LECTURES: PROGRESSION AND REGRESSION OF CIRRHOSIS.- Chapter 15) Progression and Regression of Cirrhosis: The Histologic Perspective.- Chapter 16) Liver Fibrosis and Its Regression in the Context of Portal Hypertension.- Chapter 17) Angiogenesis and Progression of ACLD.- Chapter 18) Drugs to Modify Liver Fibrosis Progression and Regression.- PART V) NEW SCENARIOS 2 - MANAGEMENT OF ACLD AFTER REMOVAL OF THE PRIMARY ETIOLOGICAL FACTOR.- Chapter 19) Therapies for Alcohol-Related Liver Disease and for Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease.- Chapter 20) Management of ACLD after HBV-Suppression and HCV-Cure- Chapter 21) Consensus Statements, Panel 3: Management of ACLD after Removal/Suppression of the Etiological Factor.- PART VI) NEW SCENARIOS 3 - IMPACT OF NON-ETIOLOGICAL NOVEL THERAPIES IN THE COURSE OF CIRRHOSIS.- Chapter 22) Results of the Baveno VII Questionnaire on the "Impact of Non-Etiological Therapies in the Course of Cirrhosis.- Chapter 23) Statins in Compensated and Decompensated Cirrhosis: Approaching the Bedside.- Chapter 24) Anticoagulation for Portal Vein Thrombosis in Cirrhosis: an Evidence-Based Approach to When and How.- Chapter 25) Novel Approaches & Disease Modifiers to Alter the Course of Cirrhotic Portal Hypertension.-  Chapter 26) Targeting the Gut Microbiome in Cirrhosis.- Chapter 27) Impact of Non-Etiological Novel Therapies in the Course of Cirrhosis - Consensus Statements of Panel 4.- PART VII) CLINICAL SETTINGS 1 - PREVENTING (FIRST) DECOMPENSATION.- Chapter 28) Prevention of First Decompensation: Questionnaire.- Chapter 29) Definition of First Decompensation in Cirrhosis.- Chapter 30) Evaluation of the Impact of the Sole Presence of Infection (Without Accompanying Decompensation) in the Natural History of Compensated Cirrhosis- Chapter 31) Evaluation of the Role of Jaundice in the Definition of Decompensation in the Compensated Patients.- Chapter 32) Evaluation of the Role of Minimal Perihepatic Ascites, Minimal Hepatic Encephalopathy, and Bleeding due to Portal Hypertensive Gastroenteropathy in the Definition of Decompensation.- Chapter 33) Evaluation of the Role of Sarcopenia in the Definition of Decompensation of the Compensated Patient.- Chapter 34) ?-blockers to Prevent Decompensation of Cirrhosis in Compensated Patients with Clinically Significant Portal Hypertension- Chapter 35) Evaluation of the Effect of CSPH, Reduction of HVPG, and Other Factors Predicting the First Decompensation in Cirrhosis.- Chapter 36) Preventing (First) Decompensation ? Consensus Statements of Panel 5.- PART VIII) CLINICAL SETTINGS 2 - ACUTE VARICEAL BLEEDING.- Chapter 37) General Management of Acute Variceal Bleeding.- Chapter 38) Risk Stratification and Prognostic Factors in Variceal Bleeding.- Chapter 39) Endoscopic Management: Classic and New Therapies.- Chapter 40) Preemptive TIPS (p-TIPS).- Chapter 41) Management of Refractory Variceal Bleeding.- Chapter 42) Hepatic Encephalopathy and Acute Variceal Bleeding.- Chapter 43) Management of Coagulation in Acute Variceal Bleeding.- Chapter 44) Gastric Varices and Ectopic Varice.- Chapter 45) Special Settings: Acute Variceal Bleeding and Portal Vein Thrombosis in Cirrhosis.- Chapter 46) Clinical Settings 2 - Acute Variceal Bleeding ? Consensus Statements of Panel 6.- PART IX) CLINICAL SETTINGS 3 - PREVENTING FURTHER DECOMPENSATION.- Chapter 47) Concept of Further Decompensation and Recompensation.- Chapter 48) Prevention of Variceal Bleeding and Rebleeding.- Chapter 49) Prevention of Further Decompensation in Patients with Ascites.- Chapter 50) The Impact of Sarcopenia, Frailty, and Malnutrition on Further Decompensation.- Chapter 51) Preventing Further Decompensation. Consensus Statements of Panel 7.- PART X) VASCULAR LIVER DISORDERS 1 - SPLANCHNIC VEIN THROMBOSIS.- Chapter 52) Portal Vein Thrombosis. Anticoagulation Versus Interventional Radiology.- Chapter 53) Staging of Portal Vein Thrombosis. Recurrent Thrombosis and Prognostic Factors for Recurrence in Non-Cirrhotic Non-Tumoral Portal Vein Thrombosis (PVT).- Chapter 54) Myeloproliferative Neoplasms and Splanchnic Vein Thrombosis.- Chapter 55) Splanchnic Vein Thrombosis ? Consensus Statements of Panel 8.- PART XI) VASCULAR LIVER DISORDERS 2 - OTHER ISSUES IN VASCULAR LIVER DISORDERS.- Chapter 56) Porto-Sinusoidal Vascular Disorder.- Chapter 57) Anticoagulation in Splanchnic Vein Thrombosis with and without Underlying Liver Disease.- Chapter 58) Medical Approach to Fontan Patients.- Chapter 59) Other Issues in Vascular Liver Disorders ? Consensus Statements of Panel 9.