A termék adatai:
ISBN13: | 9780198525837 |
ISBN10: | 0198525834 |
Kötéstípus: | Puhakötés |
Terjedelem: | 418 oldal |
Méret: | 234x158x21 mm |
Súly: | 583 g |
Nyelv: | angol |
Illusztrációk: | 30 b/w line illustrations |
0 |
Quantum Transport in Mesoscopic Systems
Complexity and Statistical Fluctuations. A Maximum Entropy Viewpoint
Kiadó: OUP Oxford
Megjelenés dátuma: 2010. július 29.
Normál ár:
Kiadói listaár:
GBP 58.00
GBP 58.00
Az Ön ára:
27 405 (26 100 Ft + 5% áfa )
Kedvezmény(ek): 10% (kb. 3 045 Ft)
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This book presents the statistical theory of complex wave scattering and quantum transport in classically chaotic and disordered systems. The novel approach is a maximum-entropy viewpoint, which reveals the statistical regularity of the phenomena in a natural way. The book contains many worked-through exercises
Hosszú leírás:
The aim of this book is to present a statistical theory of wave scattering by complex systems -systems which have a chaotic classical dynamics, as in the case of microwave cavities and quantum dots, or possess quenched randomness, as in the case of disordered conductors-- with emphasis on mesoscopic fluctuations.
The universal character of the statistical behavior of these phenomena is incorporated in a natural way by approaching the problem from a Maximum-Entropy viewpoint -Shannon's information entropy is maximized, subject to the symmetries and constraints that are physically relevant-- within the powerful, non-perturbative Theory of Random Matrices. This is a distinctive feature of the present book that greatly motivated our writing it. Another reason is that it collects in one place the material and notions -derived from the published work of the authors in collaboration with several co-workers, as well as from the work of others-- which are scattered through research journals and textbooks on the subject.
To make the book self-contained, we present in Chapters 2 and 3 the quantum theory of scattering, set in the context of quasi-one-dimensional, multichannel systems, thus related directly to scattering problems in mesoscopic physics. Chapter 4 discusses the linear-response theory of quantum electronic transport, adapted to the context of mesoscopic systems. These chapters, together with Chapter 5 on the Maximum-Entropy Approach and Chapter 8 on weak localization, have been written in a pedagogical style, and can be used as part of a graduate course. Chapters 6 and 7 discuss the problem of electronic transport through classically chaotic cavities and quasi-one-dimensional disordered systems. There are many exercises, most of them worked out in detail, distributed throughout the book. This should help graduate students, their teachers and the research scholars interested generally in the subject of quantum transport through disordered and chaotic systems in their preparation for it, and beyond.
`Its great strength is that it provides a consistent, systematic introduction to the major ideas of the field and includes a lot of related material that provides important intellectual context.
Allan MacDonald, University of Texas at Austin
The universal character of the statistical behavior of these phenomena is incorporated in a natural way by approaching the problem from a Maximum-Entropy viewpoint -Shannon's information entropy is maximized, subject to the symmetries and constraints that are physically relevant-- within the powerful, non-perturbative Theory of Random Matrices. This is a distinctive feature of the present book that greatly motivated our writing it. Another reason is that it collects in one place the material and notions -derived from the published work of the authors in collaboration with several co-workers, as well as from the work of others-- which are scattered through research journals and textbooks on the subject.
To make the book self-contained, we present in Chapters 2 and 3 the quantum theory of scattering, set in the context of quasi-one-dimensional, multichannel systems, thus related directly to scattering problems in mesoscopic physics. Chapter 4 discusses the linear-response theory of quantum electronic transport, adapted to the context of mesoscopic systems. These chapters, together with Chapter 5 on the Maximum-Entropy Approach and Chapter 8 on weak localization, have been written in a pedagogical style, and can be used as part of a graduate course. Chapters 6 and 7 discuss the problem of electronic transport through classically chaotic cavities and quasi-one-dimensional disordered systems. There are many exercises, most of them worked out in detail, distributed throughout the book. This should help graduate students, their teachers and the research scholars interested generally in the subject of quantum transport through disordered and chaotic systems in their preparation for it, and beyond.
`Its great strength is that it provides a consistent, systematic introduction to the major ideas of the field and includes a lot of related material that provides important intellectual context.
Allan MacDonald, University of Texas at Austin
Quantum Mechanical Time Independent Scattering Theory I
Quantum Mechanical Time Independent Scattering Theory II
Linear Response Theory of Quantum Electronic Transport
The Maximum Entropy Approach
Electronic Transport through Open Chaotic Cavities
Electronic Transport through Quasi One-Dimensional Disordered Systems
An Introduction to Localization Theory
The Theorem of Kane-Serota-Lee
The Conductivity Tensor in RPA
The Conductance in Terms of the Transmission Coefficient of the Sample
Evaluation of the Invariant Measure
Quantum Mechanical Time Independent Scattering Theory I
Quantum Mechanical Time Independent Scattering Theory II
Linear Response Theory of Quantum Electronic Transport
The Maximum Entropy Approach
Electronic Transport through Open Chaotic Cavities
Electronic Transport through Quasi One-Dimensional Disordered Systems
An Introduction to Localization Theory
The Theorem of Kane-Serota-Lee
The Conductivity Tensor in RPA
The Conductance in Terms of the Transmission Coefficient of the Sample
Evaluation of the Invariant Measure