Reference and Information Services: An Introduction
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Reference and Information Services

An Introduction
Kiadás sorszáma: 7
Kiadó: Bloomsbury Libraries Unlimited
Megjelenés dátuma:
Kötetek száma: Hardback
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Kiadói listaár:
GBP 95.00
Becsült forint ár:
45 885 Ft (43 700 Ft + 5% áfa)
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39 920 (38 019 Ft + 5% áfa )
Kedvezmény(ek): 13% (kb. 5 965 Ft)
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Hosszú leírás:
Written as a textbook for LIS students taking reference courses, this fully updated and revised seventh edition of Reference and Information Services: An Introduction also serves as a helpful handbook for practitioners to refamiliarize themselves with particular types and formats of sources and to refresh their knowledge on specific service topics.

The first section grounds the rest of the textbook with an overview of the foundations of reference and an introduction to the theories, values, and standards that guide reference service. The second section provides an overview of reference services and techniques for service provision, establishing a foundation of knowledge on reference service and extending ethical and social justice perspectives. The third part offers an overview of the information life cycle and dissemination of information, followed by an in-depth examination of information sources by type as well as by broad subject areas. Finally, the concluding section guides the reader through the process of developing and maintaining their own vision of reference practice.

This textbook is essential reading for all preservice and working librarians, particularly those concerned with ethical and social justice perspectives on reference work.
Part One: Introduction to Reference Work
1. Introduction
2. Ethics
3. Services for Diverse Populations
4. Services for Children
Part Two: Reference Services
5. Models of Reference
6. Reference Interview
7. Instruction
8. Outreach and Marketing
9. Challenges in Reference
Part Three: Sources and Searching
10. Introduction to Information Creation
11. Selection and Acquisition of Sources
12. Search Strategies
13. Ready Reference
14. Bibliographic Tools
15. Indexes and Abstracts
16. News Sources
17. Geographical Sources
18. Biographical and Genealogical Sources
19. Government Information
20. Statistics Sources
21. Legal Sources
22. Health Information Sources
23. Business Sources
24. Primary and Archival Sources
25. Reader's Advisory Sources
Part Four: Looking Forward
26. Looking Forward