Seeking the koko? ta?ay - Openshaw, Tobie; Karalekas, Dean; (szerk.) - Prospero Internetes Könyváruház

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Seeking the koko? ta?ay

Investigating the Origins of Little People Myths in Taiwan and Beyond
Kiadó: BRILL
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EUR 149.00
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64 770 Ft (61 686 Ft + 5% áfa)
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59 589 (56 751 Ft + 5% áfa )
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Rövid leírás:

For many centuries, Indigenous peoples of Taiwan and the Pacific have told tales of a mythical population of little people. This multidisciplinary volume explores the genesis of these myths from the perspectives of writers, linguists, archaeologists, and other experts.

Hosszú leírás:
This volume, edited by Tobie Openshaw and Dean Karalekas, will guide you on a multidisciplinary journey through Indigenous peoples? centuries-old lore of ?little people? in Taiwan and the Pacific. Learn about the Taiwan SaiSiyat people?s paSta?ay ritual, still held to this day to commemorate the koko ta?ay. Follow the distribution of the legends, interspersed with original stories by modern Indigenous authors. Explore the archaeological find of small-statured negrito remains in Taiwan, and delve into the most current research on the topic by linguists, anthropologists, folklorists, and other specialists to unravel the mystery of what?or who?inspired these ancient legends.

 Sharing Legends of Short-Statured People across Space and Time

David Blundell


Tobie Openshaw

List of Figures and Tables


Notes on Contributors


Myth and Mystery

Tobie Openshaw

1 The Vanishing Dwarf

Domas Ayang

2 Pre-Neolithic Populations as Inspiration for Taiwan?s Mythical Little People

 A Survey of the Available Evidence

Paul Jen-kuei Li

3 Tracing Negritos and Their Paths in Ancient Taiwan

 New Findings Raise More Questions

Hsiao-chun Hung, Hirofumi Matsumura, and Mike T. Carson

4 Do Formosanisms in Austronesian Languages Originate from a Substrate of Taiwan?s Earliest Inhabitants?

Roger Blench

5 Negrito Populations of Insular and Peninsular Southeast Asia

P. Bion Griffin

6 Ljeljeman and Her Short Friends

Kereker Palakurulj

7 The Place of koko? ta?ay among the Saisiyat People

 The Origin of the Legend and Its Instantiation in the PaSta?ay

Liu Yu-ling

8 Ritual Tools, Ritual Songs, and the ta?ay

 A Lexicon of the PaSta?ay

Lancini Jen-hao Cheng

9 A History of Research into the Little People

 Finding Patterns in the Formosan Dwarf Legends

Liu Yu-ling

10 Makasino

Lulyang Nomin

11 The Primordial Little People Tale-Type

 Tracing Pacific Dwarf Myths throughout the Austronesian Expansion

Dean Karalekas

12 What Ancient Taiwanese Negritos Might Tell Us about Mystery Hominoids in Indonesia

Gregory Forth

13 Walking with Dvorovoi

 A History of European Imagery of Little People

Igor Sitnikov
