Shevolution: Celebrating Female Power Throughout History - Treleaven, Lou; - Prospero Internetes Könyváruház

Shevolution: Celebrating Female Power Throughout History
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Terjedelem: oldal
Méret:275x225 mm
Súly:180 g

Shevolution: Celebrating Female Power Throughout History

Kiadás sorszáma: 1
Kiadó: Scholastic
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GBP 14.99
Becsült forint ár:
7 869 Ft (7 495 Ft + 5% áfa)
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Az Ön ára:

6 532 (6 221 Ft + 5% áfa )
Kedvezmény(ek): 17% (kb. 1 338 Ft)
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Rövid leírás:

Everyone alive today can trace their ancestry back to just one woman.
But what would her life have been like and what has happened
since for her billions of descendants?

In an all-encompassing tour through prehistory, history, and on to
the future, Shevolution spans 200,000 years, following the journeys
of the female pioneers.

Hosszú leírás:

Everyone alive on the planet today can trace their ancestry
back to just one woman. But who would she have been? What
would her life have been like? And what has happened since for her
billions of descendants?

In an all-encompassing whistlestop tour through prehistory,
history, and on to the future,
Shevolution spans an extraordinary 200,000
years, tracing the life of the woman scientists call 'Mitochondrial
Eve' and following the journeys of the female pioneers who have
shaped us all.

Around the world, girls and women – who have ruled kingdoms,
governed empires and led pirates – have had to fight to
gain, and keep, basic human rights even into the 21st century.
Shevolution includes their stories, giving voice to the
unsung sheroes of our day.

Travel with us through early human history, first societies, ancient
cultures around the world, the rise (and fall) of empires,
featuring female leaders, the suffrage movement, the women's rights
movement, intersectionality and ... the fight to get pockets

This beautifully illustrated book takes you on
a tour through women's history around the world, featuring snapshots
of what life might have been like for our theoretical common
ancestor 200,000 years ago and for women and girls at key moments

Did you know?

  • Recent ethnographic research proves that women (and children!)
    weren't just gatherers in hunt-gatherer societies.

Did you know?

  • New Zealand was the first country to give women the right to
    vote in 1893. Tiny Liechtenstein held out until 1984.

A captivating and unique approach to non fiction, this is an important
read for all children
who want to understand
the Shevolution of society.