Slit lamp atlas - Gellrich, Marcus-Matthias; - Prospero Internetes Könyváruház

Slit lamp atlas: Videographic Imaging
A termék adatai:

Terjedelem:800 oldal
Méret:279x210 mm
Illusztrációk: 10 Illustrations, black & white; 4000 Illustrations, color

Slit lamp atlas

Videographic Imaging
Kiadás sorszáma: 2025
Kiadó: Springer
Megjelenés dátuma:
Kötetek száma: 1 pieces, Book w. online files / update
Normál ár:

Kiadói listaár:
EUR 299.59
Becsült forint ár:
130 231 Ft (124 030 Ft + 5% áfa)
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119 813 (114 108 Ft + 5% áfa )
Kedvezmény(ek): 8% (kb. 10 418 Ft)
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Rövid leírás:

This unique atlas with over 4000 images opens up new dimensions in slit lamp examination and documentation. In his "life's work", the author shows how the slit lamp can be used to depict almost the entire field of ophthalmology ? from the eyelids and anterior segment to the fundus and portrayal of eye motility. This results in the first book in ophthalmology that covers the entire subject with just one device.

Traditional slit lamp examination techniques are combined with the innovative documentation of ophthalmic findings using videography. Access to these videos is provided in the book. They can be viewed via the More Media app.


  • Purkinje reflexes functioning as "landmarks" for observing changes in the eye?s anterior segment?whether for the early detection of keratoconus or when assessing intraocular lenses

  • The creation of fundus overviews, some of which extending to the periphery, using just the slit lamp and image processing programs

  • Documentation of objects at a great distance by holding a minus lens in front of the objective lens of the slit lamp to make it less "short-sighted". This is useful to visualize squint or to take a picture of the whole face.

Inside the book:

  • Methods section on technology

  • Imaging with fundus-, minus- and without additional lenses

  • Image documentation with patient-histories of up to 20 years

  • 780 cases, including 460 follow-ups

About the Author:

Dr. med. Marcus-Matthias Gellrich works as an ophthalmologist in his own practice in Kellinghusen, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. The slit lamp is his passion. His goal is to develop it from an instrument for biomicroscopy to a videographic console, providing reliable and permanent documentation for nearly all pathological anomalies occurring in ophthalmological practice. He has been awarded several prizes from the German Society of Ophthalmology (DOG) for his video documentation.

Hosszú leírás:

This unique atlas with over 4000 images opens up new dimensions in slit lamp examination and documentation. In his "life's work", the author shows how the slit lamp can be used to depict almost the entire field of ophthalmology ? from the eyelids and anterior segment to the fundus and portrayal of eye motility. This results in the first book in ophthalmology that covers the entire subject with just one device.

Traditional slit lamp examination techniques are combined with the innovative documentation of ophthalmic findings using videography. Access to these videos is provided in the book. They can be viewed via the More Media app.


  • Purkinje reflexes functioning as "landmarks" for observing changes in the eye?s anterior segment?whether for the early detection of keratoconus or when assessing intraocular lenses

  • The creation of fundus overviews, some of which extending to the periphery, using just the slit lamp and image processing programs

  • Documentation of objects at a great distance by holding a minus lens in front of the objective lens of the slit lamp to make it less "short-sighted". This is useful to visualize squint or to take a picture of the whole face.

Inside the book:

  • Methods section on technology

  • Imaging with fundus-, minus- and without additional lenses

  • Image documentation with patient-histories of up to 20 years

  • 780 cases, including 460 follow-ups


I. Methods.- Basics.- Anterior eye segment.- Purkinje images.- Fundus.- Binocular overview.- II. Atlas without additional lenses.- Conjunctiva and sclera.- Cornea.- Contact lenses.- Iris.- Lens.- III. Atlas with fundus lenses.- Vitreous body.- Retina and choroid.- Diseases of the macula.- Optic nerve.- Glaucoma.- IV. Atlas with minus lenses.- Neuro-ophthalmology.- Orbit.- Strabismus.- Eyelids.- Eyelashes and lacrimal system.