Sri Ksetra Museum Collection Inventory
A termék adatai:

Terjedelem:286 oldal
Méret:280x210 mm
Súly:797 g
Illusztrációk: 6 Illustrations, color; 477 Illustrations, black & white

Sri Ksetra Museum Collection Inventory

Sorozatcím: Beyond Boundaries; 7;
Kiadás sorszáma: 1
Kiadó: De Gruyter
Megjelenés dátuma:
Normál ár:

Kiadói listaár:
EUR 124.95
Becsült forint ár:
51 560 Ft (49 105 Ft + 5% áfa)
Miért becsült?
Az Ön ára:

48 982 (46 650 Ft + 5% áfa )
Kedvezmény(ek): 5% (kb. 2 578 Ft)
A kedvezmény csak az 'Értesítés a kedvenc témákról' hírlevelünk címzettjeinek rendeléseire érvényes.
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Becsült beszerzési idő: A Prosperónál jelenleg nincsen raktáron, de a kiadónál igen. Beszerzés kb. 3-5 hét..
A Prosperónál jelenleg nincsen raktáron.
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Rövid leírás:

Beyond Boundaries: Religion, Region, Language and the State is a research initiative hosted by the British Museum and the British Library in London. Moving beyond geographical, chronological, disciplinary and historiographical boundaries, the books in this series explore the interactions of India and her neighbors from late antiquity to the close of the medieval.

Hosszú leírás:
The Sri Ksetra Museum Inventory provides public access to this significant collection for the first time. The Inventory records the majority of the Museum collection up until 2015. Nearly all of the artefacts date to Myanmar?s Pyu period of the first millennium. Many of the objects have been documented for the first time, having been kept in storage in some cases unseen for nearly one hundred years. As only a limited amount of collection material can be publicly displayed in the Museum the Inventory provides immediate access to resource materials that would otherwise be out of reach. From intact votive tablets in diverse styles, to fragments of terracotta plaques and stone sculptures this is the most comprehensive collection of Pyu material culture in Myanmar. With the rise of interest in Pyu scholarship since the UNESCO listing of The Pyu Ancient Cities in 2014, this inventory, which also includes more recent finds from the important Pyu site of Khin Ba, will broaden scholars? appreciation of Pyu culture and open avenues for future research across many disciplines.