Strategic Management and the Circular Economy
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Méret:229x152 mm
Súly:453 g
Illusztrációk: 21 Tables, black & white

Strategic Management and the Circular Economy

Kiadás sorszáma: 1
Kiadó: Routledge
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GBP 41.99
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Rövid leírás:

1: The Dynamic CE-SWOT

  • SWOT Adaptation

  • Hosszú leírás:

    In recent years, the Circular Economy (CE) has gained worldwide attention as an effective alternative economic system to the current take-make-waste model of production and consumption. As more and more firms begin to recognize the potential of this novel approach, the CE quickly moves from theory to practice and the demand for a coherent and structured strategic approach ? one that companies can rely upon when commencing their circular journey ? grows accordingly. Strategic Management and the Circular Economy aims to bridge the theory-practice gap by putting forward a detailed step-by-step process for analysis, formulation, and planning of CE strategies.

    Starting from a solid framework of easy-to-grasp constructs (key principles, business objectives and areas of intervention), the authors guide the reader through an understanding of how conventional tools for strategic management can be re-programed under a CE perspective. To assist learning and encourage circular thinking, the reader is constantly prompted with examples of how forward-looking companies across industries and geographies are already applying circular strategies to future-proof their operations, boost innovation, penetrate new markets and secure customer loyalty.

    Strategic Management and the Circular Economy aims to bridge the theory-practice gap by putting forward a detailed step-by-step process for design, implementation and execution of CE strategies.


    Part I: An Overview

    Chapter 1 ? The Challenges of the Produce-Use-Dispose Model

      1. Introduction

      2. Exceeding Planetary Natural Thresholds

      3. Scarcity of Raw Materials and Price Volatility

      4. Rising Middle-Class Population

      5. Structural Inefficiencies of the Current Economic Model

      6. Conclusions

    Chapter 2 ? An introduction to the Circular Economy

      1. Introduction

      2. Biosphere and Technosphere Products

      3. Technological, Regulatory and Social Factors

      4. Conclusions

    Part II: Circular Economy Strategy: Setting the Stage

    Chapter 3 ??A CE Framework for Action

      1. Introduction

      2. EMS Versus CE

      3. CE Guiding Principles

      4. CE Business Objectives

      5. CE Areas of Intervention

      6. Conclusions

    Chapter 4 ? CE Enabling Technologies

      1. Introduction

      2. Digital Technologies

      3. Design & Engineering Technologies

      4. Conclusions

    Chapter 5 ? Business Models for a CE

      1. Introduction

      2. Net-Zero Innovation

      3. Servitization

      4. Product Life Extension

      5. Product Residual Value Recovery

      6. Conclusions

    Part III: CE Strategic Management

    Chapter 6 ? Introducing the CE Strategic Process?

      1. Introduction

      2. Organizational Culture

      3. The CE Strategic Process

      4. Current Strategy Identification

      5. Idea Trees

        1. Supporting Methods for Idea Tree Analysis: Circular Brainstorming

      6. Conclusions

    Chapter 7 ? CE Data Collection and Prioritization: Firm, Industry and External Levels of Analysis

      1. Introduction

      2. The Value Chain

        1. Supporting Methods for Undertaking Value Chain Analysis: Interviewing Key Personnel

      3. The VRIE Framework

      4. Five Forces

        1. Supporting Methods for Undertaking CE Industry Analysis: Interviewing Key Personnel

      5. PEST

        1. Supporting Methods for Undertaking PEST Analysis: Interviewing Key Personnel

      6. Conclusions

    Chapter 8 ? CE Data Integration

      1. Introduction

      2. PEST vs 5 Forces Matrix

      3. SWOT Analysis

        1. SWOT Adaptation