The Hedgerow Handbook - Nozedar, Adele; - Prospero Internetes Könyváruház

The Hedgerow Handbook

Recipes, Remedies and Rituals ? THE NEW 10TH ANNIVERSARY EDITION
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Hosszú leírás:

'Nozedar is a font of botanical insight'


Celebrate the 10th anniversary of the definitive guide to hedgerow foraging with this special edition of the bestselling The Hedgerow Handbook, by esteemed author Adele Nozedar, featuring a foreword from Tom Cox.

The hedgerow is one of the most iconic and distinctive features of the British countryside, so familiar that we often take it for granted. Take a closer look, though, and you'll see that the diversity and variety of plant species that form hedgerows, and the animals and insects that they shelter, are a complete world of delight.

Angelica to ash, bird cherry to borage, pineapple weed to plantain and wild garlic to wimberries, The Hedgerow Handbook is a directory of our best known and most useful hedgerow plants, each entry botanically illustrated in colour to help you identify the plant or flower, along with its history and folklore, and its culinary and medicinal uses, from the traditional to the unusual.

The ultimate guide for nature-lovers and foragers alike, discover how you can transform wild and natural hedgerow ingredients into fresh and delicious recipes. From Elderflower Champagne and Blackberry Sorbet to Wild Raspberry and Meadowsweet Jam, the hedgerow has more possibilities than you could ever imagine.