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The Humour of Vladimir Nabokov

Mind and Matter
Kiadó: Edinburgh University Press
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Kötetek száma: Print PDF
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GBP 95.00
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45 885 Ft (43 700 Ft + 5% áfa)
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42 214 (40 204 Ft + 5% áfa )
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Rövid leírás:

The first in-depth study of Vladimir Nabokov?s humour, investigating its physical aspects such as farce, slapstick, sexual and scatological humour

Hosszú leírás:
Many critics classify Vladimir Nabokov as a highbrow humourist, a refined wordsmith overly fond of playful puzzles and private in-jokes whose art appeals primarily to an intellectually-sophisticated readership. This study presents a more balanced portrait, placing equal emphasis on the broader, earthier humour that is such a marked feature of Nabokov?s writing, which draws on the human body and all things physical for its laughs: sex and scatology, farce and slapstick. Moving between the metaphysical and the physical, the cosmic and the comic, mind and matter, it presents Nabokov as a writer at home in both high and low forms of humour, a comedian who is capable of producing as many belly laughs as brainteasers, and of appealing to a much wider readership than is commonly supposed.
AcknowledgmentsTerminology, Spelling, Transliteration, AbbreviationsIntroduction1. Life and Art2. Highs and Lows3. Belly and Brain, Mind and Matter4. Comedies of the Flesh5. Tyrants Annoyed6. Last Laughs BibliographyIndex