The Routledge Companion to Design Research - Rodgers, Paul A.; Yee, Joyce; (szerk.) - Prospero Internetes Könyváruház

A termék adatai:

Terjedelem:554 oldal
Méret:246x174 mm
Súly:453 g
Illusztrációk: 151 Illustrations, black & white; 108 Halftones, black & white; 43 Line drawings, black & white; 25 Tables, black & white

The Routledge Companion to Design Research

Kiadás sorszáma: 2
Kiadó: Routledge
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Rövid leírás:

This new edition of The Routledge Companion to Design Research offers an updated, comprehensive examination of design research, celebrating a plurality of voices and range of conceptual, methodological, technological and theoretical approaches evident in contemporary design research.

Hosszú leírás:

This new edition of The Routledge Companion to Design Research offers an updated, comprehensive examination of design research, celebrating a plurality of voices and range of conceptual, methodological, technological and theoretical approaches evident in contemporary design research.

This volume comprises thirty-eight original and high-quality design research chapters from contributors around the world, with offerings from the vast array of disciplines in and around modern design praxis, including areas such as industrial and product design, visual communication, interaction design, fashion design, service design, engineering and architecture. The Companion is divided into four distinct sections with chapters that examine the nature and process of design research, the purpose of design research and how one might embark on design research. They also explore how leading design researchers conduct their design research through formulating and asking questions in novel ways, and the creative methods and tools they use to collect and analyse data. The Companion also includes a number of case studies that illustrate how one might best communicate and disseminate design research through contributions that offer techniques for writing and publicising research.

The Routledge Companion to Design Research has a wide appeal to researchers and educators in design and design-related disciplines such as engineering, business, marketing, and computing, and will make an invaluable contribution to state-of-the-art design research at postgraduate, doctoral and post-doctoral levels and teaching across a wide range of different disciplines.


Introduction to the second edition  PART I - Exploring design research The nature and process of design research; the purpose of design research; onto-epistemic perspectives  1. The sometimes uncomfortable marriages of design and research  2. A cybernetic model of design research: towards a trans-domain of knowing  3. Inclusive design research and design?s moral foundation  4. "Redesigning design: On pluralizing design"  5. Decolonizing design research   6. Politics of publishing: Exploring decolonial and intercultural frameworks for marginalized publics  7. Phoneticians, Phoenicians and mapping design research around a Medidisciplinary Sea  8. Four analytic cultures in design research  9. Designing technology for More-Than-Human futures  PART II - Designing design research Formulating research questions; conducting literature searches and reviews; developing research plans  10. What is a researchable question in design?  11. Foundational theory and methodological positioning at the outset of a design research project   12. Challenging assumptions in social design research undertaken in the Global South - India  13. Respectfully navigating the borderlands towards emergence: Co-designing with Indigenous communities  14. An emancipatory research primer for designers  15. From theory to practice: Equitable approaches to design research in the design thinking process  16. Re-articulating prevailing notions of design: About designing in the absence of sight and other alternative design realities  17. The soul of objects, an anthropological view of design  18. Exploring research space in fashion: A framework of meaning-making  PART III - Conducting design research Asking questions; data collection methods; analysing information; ethical issues 19. Drawing out: How designers analyse written texts in visual ways  20. A photograph is still evidence of nothing but itself  21. Action research approach in design research  22. Woven decolonizing approaches to design research: Jolobil and Mahi-Toi  23. Participation Otherwise: More than southerning the world, designing in movement  24. The role of prototypes and frameworks for structuring explorations by Research Through Design  25. Imagining a feeling-thinking design practice and research from Latin America  26. Hacktivism as design research method  27. Software Ate Design: Creation and destruction of value through design research with data  28. Working with patient experience  PART IV - Translating design research Embarking on transdisciplinary design research, conducting and communicating design research insights, findings, and results effectively; disseminating for impact. 29. Physical thinking: Textile making toward transdisciplinary design research  30. People-centred engagement for inclusive material innovation in healthcare  31. Seeing the invisible: Revisiting the value of critical tools in design research for social change  32. Practice-based evidence for social innovation: Working and learning in complexity  33. Collective dreaming through speculative fiction: Developing research worldviews with an interdisciplinary team  34. Drifting walls - learning from a hybrid design practice  35. Bridging gaps in understanding between researchers who possess design knowledge and those who do not  36. Probing and filming with strategic results: International design research to explore and refine new product-service concepts  37. Museum in our street: Social cohesion at street level  38. GeoMerce: Speculative relationships between nature, technology and capitalism  Celebrating the plurality of design research