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The Spirit of Aristophanes

Kiadó: Edinburgh University Press
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Explores Aristophanic comedy and traces key features through Greek and Latin literature

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The Spirit of Aristophanes is a wide-ranging collection of new studies of ancient literature and culture from fifth-century drama to the Roman novel. The essays use an array of approaches that will appeal to scholars and students interested in classical studies, gender and sexuality, literary history, performance and textual criticism.
This volume has been prepared in tribute to Jeffrey Henderson, William Goodwin Aurelio Professor of Greek Language and Literature Emeritus of Boston University and General Editor of the Loeb Classical Library. His vibrant research on classical literature, political ideology, civic culture, identity, obscenity and translation has shaped scholarly discourse for decades and has inspired each of the essays in this volume.

Editors? AcknowledgementsContributorsA Note on the TextPreface, Mary C. English and Dustin W. Dixon 1. Female Genitalia Onstage in Aristophanes, Amy Richlin2. ?Let Loose the Melodies of Holy Hymns?: Voice, Agency and Gender in Aristophanes? Birds, Daniel Libatique3. Performing Ritual Sacrifice in Aristophanes? Peace and Birds, Mary C. English4. Political Ambition and Poetry in Aristophanes? Birds and Plato?s Aristophanes, I-Kai Jeng5. Sophocles and Happy Endings, Anne Mahoney6. Heroism in the Middle in Sophocles? Philoctetes, Emily Austin7. ?????????? ???????: Storytelling and the Origin of Religion in the Sisyphus Fragment (43 Fr. 19 TrGF), Andrew Ford8. The Whetstone of Love: Helen?s Blemished Beauty, Dustin W. Dixon9. Virginity and the Postmortem State of the Body: Reading Mary and Hippolytus in Dialogue, Chris Synodinos10. Literal Truth, Mythic Truth and Narrative in Longus?s Daphnis and Chloe, William Owens 11. The Body?s Borders: Violation and the Visual in the Carmina Priapea, Tyler T. Travillian12. What Are the Goals of Lucretius?s De Rerum Natura?, James J. O?Hara13. Not So Funny After All: On Deconstructing (and Reconstructing) the Text of Petronius, John P. BodelIndex