Trees in Winter
A termék adatai:

Terjedelem: oldal
Méret:242x200x26 mm
Illusztrációk: Approx 30 colour prints throughout the book

Trees in Winter

Kiadó: Sphere
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GBP 25.00
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10 264 (9 775 Ft + 5% áfa )
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Hosszú leírás:

TREES IS WINTER is about the healing properties of nature and of walking, especially during the coldest season, when the inclination is for so many of us to stay indoors. It is also about the joy of learning a craft and practising it.

This beautiful book will feature over thirty of Richard Shimell's stunning prints of winter trees, all created in his studio on the wooded slopes of Dartmoor National Park. Alongside his work, Richard will share is own inspiring journey of finding creativity and connection with the landscape around him.