A termék adatai:

Terjedelem:272 oldal
Méret:254x178 mm
Illusztrációk: 82 Illustrations, color; 78 Halftones, color; 4 Line drawings, color; 13 Tables, color

Wellness Architecture and Urban Design

Kiadás sorszáma: 1
Kiadó: Routledge
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GBP 31.99
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15 451 Ft (14 715 Ft + 5% áfa)
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Rövid leírás:

Wellness is a contemporary concept with deep ancient roots promoting preventative and holistic activities, lifestyle choices, and salient architecture and urban design practices. This book presents definitions, planning and design strategies, case studies, an analysis of the wellness literature and a brief history of the wellness movement.

Hosszú leírás:

Wellness is a contemporary concept with deep ancient roots promoting preventative and holistic activities, lifestyle choices, and salient architecture and urban design practices. Wellness Architecture and Urban Design presents definitions, an analysis of the wellness literature, and a brief history of the wellness movement. Specific planning and design strategies are presented citing examples worldwide and emphasizing the importance of wellness considerations at all scales of the built environment from rooms to cities. Both case studies offer fully integrated and comprehensive wellness design approaches creating resilient and life-enhancing wellness through each of the architecture and urban design scales. The book will be of interest to practitioners and students working in urban design, landscape architecture, architecture, planning, and affiliated fields.

The authors have written a groundbreaking book addressing the emerging trend of designing for wellness, not only in health care settings, but also in places for living, work, learning, play and worship. It speaks not only to architecture and urban planning, but also strongly emphasizes the benefit of designed and built environments that enhance the full continuum of wellness supporting the body, mind, and spirit. There is a pragmatic flavor to the book offering a wealth of examples, serving as a useful reference for those who develop, plan, design and build human places. I strongly recommend this book to students, faculty, health professionals, planning and design professionals and the public at large. The case study of Mado Hamlet in Serenbe Community is one of the first contemporary examples of wellness neighborhood urban design.

Ronald L. Skaggs, FAIA, FACHA, FHFI, LEED AP, Chairman Emeritus, HKS, Inc., USA

Fivelements Retreat Bali was decades ahead in its quest to incorporate biophilic design principles that nurture the relationships between humans and nature ? relationships that heal and sustain life itself.  The Fivelements philosophy became the definition of a new eco-luxury experience that positively impacts all seven dimensions of wellness. From the moment guests enter this awe-inspiring sanctuary, located along Bali?s sacred Ayung River, they will experience a holistic approach to wellness, from impeccably designed rooms to exquisite cuisine to unique connections with local healers. I cannot think of a better place to experience the true meaning of wellness design or to understand why it is vital to our industry.

Susie Ellis, Chair and CEO, The Global Wellness Institute, USA


1. Wellness Definitions and Overview  2. Wellness Architecture and Urban Design Benefits  3. Wellness Urban Design Strategies  4. Wellness Architecture strategies  5. Wellness Interior strategies  6. Wellness Landscape Strategies  7. Case Study 1 ? Mado Neighborhood  8. Case Study 2 - Fivelements