Prospero Internetes Könyváruház


Sorrend: Előbb a gyorsan beszerezhetők | Kiadás dátuma (újabbal kezdve) | Szerző | Ár (olcsóbbal kezdve) | Cím | Relevancia
Szűkítés: Minden termék | angol nyelvű | német nyelvű | spanyol nyelvű | DVD

Kereső kifejezés: Szerző: Lal, Sudhanand Prasad

Találatok száma: 10

Entwicklung des Unternehmertums bei Frauen: in ländlichen Gebieten in Tripura, Indien Reang, Sulochana; Singh, Ashok Kumar; Lal, Sudhanand Prasad;

Entwicklung des Unternehmertums bei Frauen: in ländlichen Gebieten in Tripura, Indien

Verlag Unser Wissen, 2022
Puhakötés 29 950 Ft

Razwitie predprinimatel'stwa sredi sel'skih zhenschin: w Tripure, Indiq Reang, Sulochana; Singh, Ashok Kumar; Lal, Sudhanand Prasad;

Razwitie predprinimatel'stwa sredi sel'skih zhenschin: w Tripure, Indiq

Sciencia Scripts, 2022
Puhakötés 10 780 Ft

Développement de l'esprit d'entreprise chez les femmes rurales: ? Tripura, en Inde Reang, Sulochana; Singh, Ashok Kumar; Lal, Sudhanand Prasad;

Développement de l'esprit d'entreprise chez les femmes rurales: ? Tripura, en Inde

Editions Notre Savoir, 2022
Puhakötés 29 950 Ft

Sviluppo dell'imprenditori alit? tra le donne rurali: in Tripura, India Reang, Sulochana; Singh, Ashok Kumar; Lal, Sudhanand Prasad;

Sviluppo dell'imprenditori alit? tra le donne rurali: in Tripura, India

Edizioni Sapienza, 2022
Puhakötés 29 950 Ft

Reang, Sulochana; Singh, Ashok Kumar; Lal, Sudhanand Prasad;

Entrepreneurship Development among Rural Women: in Tripura, India. DE

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2022
Puhakötés 29 950 Ft

Desenvolvimento do Empreendedorismo entre Mulheres Rurais: em Tripura, Índia Reang, Sulochana; Singh, Ashok Kumar; Lal, Sudhanand Prasad;

Desenvolvimento do Empreendedorismo entre Mulheres Rurais: em Tripura, Índia

Ediç?es Nosso Conhecimento, 2022
Puhakötés 29 950 Ft

Entrepreneurship Development among Sugarcane Growers: Entrepreneurship Development among Sugarcane Growers through Jaggery Production in Karnataka, India. DE Hosamani, Akshay Narayan; Ansari, M. N.; Lal, Sudhanand Prasad;

Entrepreneurship Development among Sugarcane Growers: Entrepreneurship Development among Sugarcane Growers through Jaggery Production in Karnataka, India. DE

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2022
Puhakötés 29 950 Ft

Training Needs of Sorghum Production Technology among the Growers: in Karnataka, India. DE Kumar, Anil; PASWAN, ARUN KUMAR; Lal, Sudhanand Prasad;

Training Needs of Sorghum Production Technology among the Growers: in Karnataka, India. DE

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2022
Puhakötés 26 473 Ft

A Study on Mobility and Aspiration of Migrant Workers: Mobility and Aspiration of Migrant Workers. DE Verma, Karunesh; Lal, Sudhanand Prasad; Verma, Shweta;

A Study on Mobility and Aspiration of Migrant Workers: Mobility and Aspiration of Migrant Workers. DE

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2023
Puhakötés 26 473 Ft

Mobile Application for Environment Friendly Dairy Farming Practices: ICT based Mobile Application for Disseminating of Environment Friendly Dairy Farming Practices. DE Sinha, Shrija; Sankhala, Gopal; Lal, Sudhanand Prasad;

Mobile Application for Environment Friendly Dairy Farming Practices: ICT based Mobile Application for Disseminating of Environment Friendly Dairy Farming Practices. DE

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2023
Puhakötés 34 732 Ft

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