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Kereső kifejezés: Szerző: Kumar, Narendra

Találatok száma: 188

Azotobacter Nitrogen fixing efficiency and its effect on finger millet: A case study from Pantnagar, India Upadhyay, Sandeep; Kumar, Narendra; , Misra, Ashutosh Kumar; (ed.)

Azotobacter Nitrogen fixing efficiency and its effect on finger millet: A case study from Pantnagar, India

Scholar's Press, 2014
Puhakötés 29 516 Ft

Advances in Photonic Crystals and Devices Kumar, Narendra; Suthar, Bhuvneshwer;

Advances in Photonic Crystals and Devices

CRC Press, 2019
Keménykötés 94 500 Ft

Evolutionary Optimization of Material Removal Processes Pratap Singh, Ravi; Kumar, Narendra; Kataria, Ravinder;(ed.)

Evolutionary Optimization of Material Removal Processes

CRC Press, 2022
Keménykötés 60 375 Ft

Evolutionary Optimization of Material Removal Processes Pratap Singh, Ravi; Kumar, Narendra; Kataria, Ravinder;(ed.)

Evolutionary Optimization of Material Removal Processes

CRC Press, 2024
Puhakötés 24 144 Ft

Plant Adaptation Strategies in Changing Environment Shukla, Vertika; Kumar, Sanjeev; Kumar, Narendra; (ed.)

Plant Adaptation Strategies in Changing Environment

Springer, 2018
Keménykötés 69 765 Ft

Plant Adaptation Strategies in Changing Environment Shukla, Vertika; Kumar, Sanjeev; Kumar, Narendra; (ed.)

Plant Adaptation Strategies in Changing Environment

Springer, 2018
Puhakötés 69 765 Ft

Phyto and Rhizo Remediation Arora, Naveen Kumar; Kumar, Narendra; (ed.)

Phyto and Rhizo Remediation

Springer, 2019
Keménykötés 46 508 Ft

Phyto and Rhizo Remediation Arora, Naveen Kumar; Kumar, Narendra; (ed.)

Phyto and Rhizo Remediation

Springer, 2020
Puhakötés 46 508 Ft

Renewable Energy and Green Technology: Principles and Practices Kumar, Narendra; Singh, Hukum; Kumar, Amit; (ed.)

Renewable Energy and Green Technology: Principles and Practices

CRC Press, 2021
Keménykötés 55 125 Ft

Advance Concepts of Image Processing and Pattern Recognition: Effective Solution for Global Challenges Kumar, Narendra; Shahnaz, Celia; Kumar, Krishna;(ed.)

Advance Concepts of Image Processing and Pattern Recognition: Effective Solution for Global Challenges

Springer, 2022
Keménykötés 79 067 Ft

Kumar, Narendra; Shahnaz, Celia; Kumar, Krishna;(ed.)

Advance Concepts of Image Processing and Pattern Recognition: Effective Solution for Global Challenges

Springer, 2023
Puhakötés 79 067 Ft

Quantum Transport in Mesoscopic Systems: Complexity and Statistical Fluctuations. A Maximum Entropy Viewpoint Mello, Pier A.; Kumar, Narendra;

Quantum Transport in Mesoscopic Systems: Complexity and Statistical Fluctuations. A Maximum Entropy Viewpoint

OUP Oxford, 2010
Puhakötés 30 450 Ft

Effect of manures, fertilizers and micronutrients on soybean: Glycine max L. Merril Singh, Mahendra; Kumar, Narendra; Misra, Ashutosh K.;

Effect of manures, fertilizers and micronutrients on soybean: Glycine max L. Merril

VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, 2011
Puhakötés 29 559 Ft

Broadband RF and Microwave Amplifiers Grebennikov, Andrei; Kumar, Narendra; Yarman, Binboga S.;

Broadband RF and Microwave Amplifiers

CRC Press, 2015
Keménykötés 110 250 Ft

Novel Features and Perspectives of Photonic Crystals: Photonic Crystals: Unprecedented Control of Light Kumar, Narendra; Rostami, Ali;

Novel Features and Perspectives of Photonic Crystals: Photonic Crystals: Unprecedented Control of Light

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2012
Puhakötés 34 341 Ft

Production and Potentiality of Oil Seeds in Andhra Pradesh: An Analytical Study Kumar, Narendra;

Production and Potentiality of Oil Seeds in Andhra Pradesh: An Analytical Study

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2013
Puhakötés 21 300 Ft

Invitation To Contemporary Physics (2nd Edition) Kumar, Narendra; Lam, Harry Chi-sing; Quang, Ho-kim;

Invitation To Contemporary Physics (2nd Edition)

World Scientific, 2004
Puhakötés 32 025 Ft

Invitation To Contemporary Physics (2nd Edition) Kumar, Narendra; Lam, Harry Chi-sing; Quang, Ho-kim;

Invitation To Contemporary Physics (2nd Edition)

World Scientific, 2004
Keménykötés 83 475 Ft

Sustainable pearlmillet production in rainfed agro-ecosystem: Sustainable pearl millet production Kumar, Narendra;

Sustainable pearlmillet production in rainfed agro-ecosystem: Sustainable pearl millet production

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2012
Puhakötés 21 300 Ft

Optical waves in new structures: Electromagnetic wave propagation through some new unconventional structures Kumar, Narendra; Ojha, S. P.;

Optical waves in new structures: Electromagnetic wave propagation through some new unconventional structures

LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, 2011
Puhakötés 29 559 Ft

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